We realise that as a manufacturer, we are directly responsible for causing harm to the environment. The very nature of our work means that we have to extract natural resources to produce the garments that people want.
The fundamental challenge, that we at ANT Textile face, is how to produce garments of the highest quality in the most sustainable manner, without limiting creativity in any way. We see sustainability as a constant search for innovation, it’s not just a task you complete and it’s over. Every step you take to diminish the environmental impact you have and to create a fairer society, has to be followed by an ongoing consideration of where to go next.
Our status as a GOTS certified manufacturer for example, doesn’t mean we can stop there. We are in a unique position to be able to influence the Turkish textiles cluster and drive change, generating a culture of people who think about things differently.
Beginning of 2021 we installed LG Neon 2, the most powerful and versatile solar energy panels on our headquarter building. Roughly 50% of our whole operation is now powered by renewable energy. Converting to solar power is nearly mainstream for large corporations. As other companies follow suit, it might just become the expectation instead of the exception. We foresee this movement and included us in taking the next step toward greener, more responsible business. We are also proud to say that our new factory in Edirne will be fully solar powered when it’s launched in 2026.